Hotel Room Reservation Information: Room Cut-Off is January 1, 2025
Please make reservations early. While the hotel will guarantee the lower room rate until January 1, 2025 this does not mean they can guarantee that rooms will be available. There are a limited number of rooms set aside at the hotel for IWWA. Rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis.
On December 1, 1979, the Board of Directors of the Iowa Water Well Association established the Ber Zander Award in memory of Berwyn Zander. Zander was a well drilling contractor from Coulter, Iowa. He started well drilling in January 1951 and went into business for himself in September 1953.
Berwyn was the secretary/treasurer of the association from January 1955 until his death in September 1975. Berwyn Zander’s contribution to the association and the water well industry has been unequaled by any person or persons in the State of Iowa.
This award is to be given to an individual who has given time and devotion to the water well industry and the people of the State of Iowa. The Ber Zander Award will not necessarily be awarded annually, but only when someone has demonstrated a high degree of devotion to their fellow man and a concern for the water well industry.
The Board of Directors of the Iowa Water Well Association serves as the selection committee for the award. Nominations are to be submitted by December 20th, with announcement of the award at the 2025 IWWA Annual Convention & Trade Show.
If you would like to nominate an individual for the Ber Zander Award, please follow the link: BER ZANDER AWARD NOMINATION FORM
Click below if you are interested in applying for the Iowa Water Well Association Scholarship. If you apply for the Iowa Water Well Association (IWWA) Scholarship, you'll be notified in February/Marcg the following year after Scholarhsip selections. The applicant must be employed by an IWWA member firm or related to an employee of an IWWA member firm.